Reboot: Refreshing Your Faith in a High-Tech World
In an accessible and conversational voice, Bethel University communications professor Peggy Kendall has designed this practical resource to help Christians think more intentionally about how technology is slowly changing the way we live. How can we use existing and future technology in ways that are consistent with the values and lifestyle God calls us to adopt? Fred Oaks will lead the class scheduled to begin February 19 and conclude March 12, 2017. We will meet Sundays from 11:00-11:50 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A weekly handout will be provided.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:00 AM as we focus on the scripture reading for the upcoming Sunday. It's a wonderful way to prepare your heart, soul and mind for Sunday's sermon. So come join us for a cup of coffee and great discussion. Pastor Gerry Krupp will lead the discussion.