A Congregation of Congregations
"Behold, a great multitude ... from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues..." - Revelation 7:9
First Baptist Church reflects the racial and ethnic diversity of our community and our denominational family, ABC USA. The Executive Minister of ABC Wisconsin, Rev. Marie Onwubuariri, is a national leader in helping churches welcome and include people of all races and generations. Four racial/ethnic congregations are nested in our facility, currently discerning to become a Multicultural Church: First Baptist Church, Ministerio Hispano (led by Pastor Juan Diego Arcila) is in Spanish language; and Waukesha Karen Baptist Church (shepherded by Pastor Paw Too) is composed primarily of Karen people who have immigrated from Myanmar (Burma); First Baptist Indian Church (led by Rev. Chakravarthy Zadda) consists of believers from India, who worship in Telugu language; Finally, First Baptist Church of Waukesha is an Anglo Congregation (led by Rev. Chakravarthy Zadda) worships in English. All are invited to meet quarterly for shared worship around the Lord's table!
Also, Christ Kingdom Ministry (led by Rev. Roberson) is predominantly African-American, who worships on the premises.